Art Therapy for Children and Young Persons

When children and young persons are experiencing emotional difficulties it can be very hard to connect with themselves and others and their social inclusion can be affected. Art Therapy is a form of intervention that assists with an individual's psychological, educational, social and physical development. It encourages children and young persons to express themselves. It can build resilience through the process of making positive changes.

Art Therapy is a form of Psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of expression and communication. It happens in the presence of a qualified Art Therapist who provides a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space so clients are able to explore difficult thoughts and feelings.

It is not a recreational activity or an art lesson, but an integrative approach with the combination of art materials and playing used when appropriated to potentially start conversations and reflective dialogue of themes that are important to the child or young person. The art making and play not always speak directly but through metaphors, which are gently explored with the Therapist’s help, sometimes with the addition of psycho-educational information tailored to promote awareness and better connection with clients’ own feelings and motivations in order to empower them to cope with their difficulties by themselves.

Clients may have a wide range of difficulties, disabilities or diagnoses. These include self-harm, eating disorders, anxiety and depression or obsessive behaviours.

Book your FREE 20 min CALL for initial enquiries.
Call me, Irene Malvezi, at 07715601222 or email at

Before working together with your child, it is advisable to have assessment meeting. If you (parent/guardian) and child/young person agree that Art Therapy would be beneficial then it would be expected that client comes for weekly sessions for at least three months, as continuity is vital for the therapy to be effective.

Assessment: 50 minutes - £50
Individual Sessions: 50 minutes - £70